15 March 2014

Monster Busters Hack Update

Monster Busters Hack Update, this cheat works for set both aob to match 5 may (with high chance) cause the stage end bonus chain reaction unstoppable and useful to speed up the game.
Play Monster Busters On Facebook : https://apps.facebook.com/monsterbusters/


Content of the cheat :
- Match3 is Match4 or Match5 : Setting both aob to match 5 may (with high chance) cause the stage end bonus chain reaction unstoppable.

Monster Busters Hack Update ‎Saturday, ‎March ‎15, ‎2014. Update for Monster Busters V.05 (MB_V.05)

Tools Required :
Steps to use Monster Busters Hack Update :
  1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine
  2. Download Monster Busters V.05 (do not open)
  3. Log in to your facbook account and open Monster Busters Game
  4. Then open Monster Busters V.05
  5. Select process browser
  6. Then Enable all hack
  7. After all process is complete, let's play

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