7 March 2014

Go Fishing Hack Instant Catch Fish Update

Go Fishing Hack Instant Catch Fish Update. This hack function to assist us in catching fish in the game Go Fishing on facebook. With this hack, you could always catch fish with ease.

Info Update :
Go Fishing Hack One Click Pull Update Friday, ‎March ‎07, ‎2014. Update to Go Fishing C-832 (Client/832)

Tools Required:
  1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine
  2. Download file go fishing instant catch fish.CT
  3. Then open your account facebook and open Go Fishing (Do not press the throw button first)
  4. Open cheat engine and select process to open then select process your browser (FlashPlayerPlugin for Firefox) or (chrome.exe for google chrome)
  5. Then click Ctrl+o on your keyboard then select File go fishing instant catch fish.CT
  6. Then tick the small box
  7. Back to Go Fishing then lets play..

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